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IMMUNOLOGY Question Papers (Supple, 2006)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 7:23 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET :1

1. What are the various cells involved in the immune response and explain about their role in immune response. [3+13]

2. Define immunoglobulin and explain about its structure and function. [3+8+5]

3. (a) Describe in brief about the Human MHC class I genes and explain about their functions. [4+4]
(b) Describe in brief about Human MHC class II genes and explain about their role. [4+4]

4. Discuss about various types of cell mediator defense mechanism. [16]

5. Define hybridoma and explain monoclonal antibody production? [3+13]

6. Define affinity and determine antibody affinity by equilibrium dialysis method? [2+14]

7. Give an account on the mediators of type I hypersensitivity? [16]

8. Describe different types of systemic autoimmune diseases and explain in detail about anyone of them? [4+12]

SET : 2

1. Explain any two [8+8]
(a) adjuvants.
(b) complement.
(c) MHC.
(d) T cells.

2. Define immunoglobulin and explain about its structure and function. [3+8+5]

3. What are monoclonal antibodies and explain its importance? [12+4]

4. What is meant by cell mediated immunity and explain about the different components involved in it. [8+8]

5. Define cellular immunity and explain the process involved in identification of cell types of immune system? [4+12]

6. Explain flow Cytometry and discuss its role in antigen - antibody interactions? [4+12]

7. Describe the various types of type III hypersensitivity? [16]

8. Explain the significance of MHCs in graft rejection? [16]

SET :3

1. What is meant by immunity and explain about the various components involved in the immune system. [4+12]

2. Give an account on basic structure of B cells and explain their activation process. [5+11]

3. What is meant by Idiotypic antibodies and explain their role. [11+5]

4. What is meant by phagocytosis and what is its role in the cell mediated immunity. [8+8]

5. Define hybridoma and explain monoclonal antibody production? [3+13]

6. Explain the role of cytokines in signal transduction? [16]

7. The DNA vaccines are proved to be highly beneficial. Justify? [16]

8. Describe different types of systemic autoimmune diseases and explain in detail about anyone of them? [4+12]

SET :4

1. What are the various cells involved in the immune response and explain about their role in immune response. [3+13]

2. Explain the process involved in the activation of B cells. [16]

3. What are monoclonal antibodies and explain its importance? [12+4]

4. Explain various types of cells involved in the cell mediated immunity. [16]

5. Explain the process of formation and selection of hybrid cells? [10+6]

6. Explain the role of cytokines in signal transduction? [16]

7. Give an account on the significance of vaccination in Immunology? [16]

8. Describe different types of systemic autoimmune diseases and explain in detail about anyone of them? [4+12]