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MOLECULAR BIOLOGY OF CANCER Question Papers (Regular, 2006)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 9:21 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET : 1

1. Describe the various check points operating in animal cells.Discuss the mechanisms by which the check points control cell cycle progression.

2. How does Ras protein control cell cycle? Majority of C – Ras oncogenes obtained from cancerous tissue have mutations in codon 12, 13, 59 or 61 in the coding sequence. Suggest an explanation.

3. Compare and contrast the anti tumour activity of P53 and Rb gene.

4. Describe Ames Test in detail. Which chemicals are subjected to this test?

5. What are ionizing radiations and what type of damages could they produce in the DNA molecule? Discuss in detail.Correlate DNA damage with carcinogenesis.

6. List the food components that could associated with carcinogenic activity.List the food components that could give protection against carcinogenic activity of other compounds.

7. Name the different forms of radiographic examinations in diagnosis of tumors of different types.

8. What different types of damages are expected with radiation therapy and what response is expected in normal cells and tumor cells to radiation dose?

SET : 2

1. Write short notes on any 2 of the following :

a) TGF

b) Family of E2F

c) MPF

d) Cyclins.

2. What is autocrine induction?

Write the mechanism of autocrine induction of growth factors leading to malignant transformation in the cell.

3. What type of mutation causes proto oncogenes to convert them to oncogenes? Give one specific example.

4. Discuss the role of different environmental substances as causative agents of cancers providing some specific examples.

5. What are the 3 types of UV light? Describe in detail the specific mutagenic actions produced by each and mention their carcinogenic potentials.

6. Detail the characteristic features that differentiate a benign tumor from a malignant tumor from a malignant tumor.

7. On what principles does ultrasonography work?

Cancers in which suspected parts of the body are screened by ultrasonography?

8. Describe the different types of radiations and their sources that are used in radiotherapy for the treatment of cancers. Also describe the radiation units that measure the dose.

SET : 3

1. Name a signal transducer molecule that functions in normal cell signaling and its mutated form which induces cancer.

2. Mutations in proto oncogenes that change them to oncogenes are dominant. Provide a correct explanation with suitable examples.

3. Name the 2 different types of retinoblastomas. Discuss the genetic basis for each.

4. Bruce Ames in 1984 stated that “ we are eating 10,000 times more of natures’ pesticides than man-made pesticides”. Comment on this statement.

5. Write short notes on any two of the following :

a) UV – A light and the carcinogenic activity.

b) UV – B light and the carcinogenic activity.

c) UV – C light and the carcinogenic activity.

6. The American Cancer Society has listed some very common warning signals as cautions. List these signals. Why is it important to check for these signals? Discuss.

7. Name the different forms of radiographic examinations in diagnosis of tumors pf different types.

8. Which type of tumors could be subjected to surgical treatment? Mention the benefits and hazards of the surgical procedure.

SET : 4

1. Write short notes on any 2 of the following :

a. e) TGF

b. f) Family of E2F

c. g) MPF

d. h) Cyclins.

2. Define transformation of cells.

Describe the changes produced when cells in normal tissue culture are transformed by tumor viruses.

3. Which gene involvement is indicated in patient with breast and ovarian carcinomas?

Discuss in detail the mechanism controlling the induction of these cancers.

4. Benzo [a] pyrine is the most well known carcinogen. Which group of chemical carcinogens produce it and by what mechanism? Name the specific cancers that show the involvement of this molecule?

5. Name the different units that measure radiation energy.

Describe the rate of release of energy and its biological effects.

6. Summarize the steps involved in metastasis.

7. Discuss the usefulness of the Antigen Titre Values in Blood tests. Name the antigens that are tested and their association in the diagnosis and prognosis of specific cancer.

8. What factors have to be evaluated to make an intelligent plan of the treatment schedule for the cancer patients?