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ADVANCED BIOMEDICAL EQUIPMENT Old Question Papers (Suppe, Aug/Sep 2007)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 8:34 AM

Saturday, November 29, 2008

SET :1

  1. Explain how computers can be used in the chromosome analysis OR Explain Chromosome analysis done by computers?
  2. Draw the block diagram of Audiometer and explain function of each block.
  3. Write a short note on: (a) Microphones (b) receivers and (c) Amplifiers
  4. (a) Define Organ, Artificial Organ. (b) Suggest few Artificial organs.
  5. Does Artificial Hand functions same as that of an Ordinary Hand? If yes, justify it. Draw suitable sketches also.
  6. (a) Mention different types of Mechanical and Tissue Valves. (b) Sketch any one type of Prosthetic Heart Valve and label it.
  7. Draw the diagram of a simple Haemodialyser machine and explain.
  8. How do you analyze Artificial Electronic Larynx Speech?

SET :2
  1. Explain the role of computer in biomedical engineering?
  2. Explain the principle of Bekesy audiometer.
  3. Explain the working of Retinoscope with the help of a suitable diagram.
  4. (a) Define Organ, Artificial Organ. (b) Suggest few Artificial organs.
  5. Does Artificial Limb work same as that of an Ordinary Limb? If not, give Reasons? Draw suitable sketches also.
  6. How do you Test a ‘ Prosthetic Heart Valve’ using a Pulse Duplicator?
  7. Describe the general scheme of operation of Hemodialysis with the help of a suitable block diagram.
  8. How do you analyze Artificial Electronic Larynx Speech?

SET :3

  1. Explain how computers can be used in the chromosome analysis OR Explain Chromosome analysis done by computers?
  2. Explain the principle of Bekesy audiometer.
  3. Write a short note on: (a) Microphones (b) receivers and (c) Amplifiers
  4. Define the terms: (a) Inflammation (b) Rejection and (c) Corrosion
  5. Does Artificial Limb functions same as that of an Ordinary Limb? If yes, justify it. Draw suitable sketches also.
  6. Name the Heart Valves and locate them within the Heart by a suitable sketch.
  7. Draw the circuit diagram of Conductivity Monitoring of Dialysate and explain.
  8. How do you analyze Artificial Electronic Larynx Speech?
SET :4
  1. Explain the role of computer in biomedical engineering?
  2. Draw the block diagram of Audiometer and explain function of each block.
  3. Explain the working of Retinoscope with the help of a suitable diagram.
  4. Write a short note on artificial organs? Which materials are used for the above organs, explain in detail.
  5. Does Artificial Limb work same as that of an Ordinary Limb? If not, give Reasons? Draw suitable sketches also.
  6. What are the qualitative requirements needed for a prosthetic heart values? Specify some tissue values.
  7. What is dialysis? Explain the principle of Artificial Kidney.
  8. Write a short note on : (a) Artificial Larynx. (b) What do you mean by Speech? (c) Define Larynx.