SET : 1
- a) Explain the problems associated with ethics with suitable example. b) Explain the key principles of bioethics with suitable example.
- Explain the key provision in the convention on biological diversity.
- Explain the following: a) Frame work of bio safety regulations in India b) India's environment act of 1986.
- Illustrate good practices and regulations; and correlate to the life of a drug, starting from basic research to the manufacturing of drug.
- Write short notes on: a) Invention b) Term of Patent c) Resolution of patent d) TRIPS.
- a) IsS UPOV appropriate for developing countries? IS there any alteration to UPOV? Explain. b) Explain PPVFR, 2001.
- Write short notes on : a) UPOV b) GATT c) WIPO d) PCT
- Discuss the role and responsibilities of WTO.
SET : 2
- a) Give the reasons behind acceptance or rejection of genetic manipulations. b) Discuss cross cultural bioethics.
- Explain the following: a) Cartagena protocol on biosafety b) AIA
- a) Write the protocols for approval of new transgenic events. b) Discuss about Swaminathan committee recomendations.
- a) Total quality management. b) QA unit and their responsibilities.
- Explain the following: a) Patent infringement b) Conditions to which grant of patents are subjected c) Ground of opposition to the grant of patents.
- a) Describe the exclusive rights of a copy rights owner. b) How can one obtain and enforce his/her copyrights right?
- Discuss Budapest treaty on the international recognition of the deposit of microorganisms.
- Explain the role of GAIT and WTO in agricultural subsidies.
SET :3
- a) Explain future bioethical conflicts in biotechnology. b) Discuss the global issues of technology transfer.
- Explain in detail the regulations involved in transboundary movement of the LMO's.
- Write short notes on the following: a) DBT guidelines in approval of transgenesis. b) Transgenic research in agriculture.
- Explain the following: a) Archiving of Data. b) GLP inspections and enforcement.
- a) Explain the concept of IP. b) Explain step by step procedure for obtaining a non provisional patent with neat diagram.
- a) What is the trade sacret and what is not-trade secret? b) HOw patents and trade marks are complimentary?
- Explain the following : a) PTC b) Madrid system for international registration of trade marks.
- Explain the following : a) Trade without discrimination b) Open trade.
SET :4
- Define the term beneficence and write the significance.
- Explain the following : a) Benefits and risks of GMO's b) NIH guidelines for Biosafety.
- Explain the following : a) FAO b) Biotechnology industry and rDNA research.
- Explain the following : a) Archiving of Data b) GLP inspections and enforcement.
- Explain the following : a) IPR and traditional medicine b) Technology measures which are used to prevent and infringement.
- a) Enforcement of farmers rights in India. b) Role of TRIPS and UPOV in protecting plant varieties.
- a) Discuss about Hauge system for the international conventions for the protection of new plant varieties. b) Explain about Brene convention on trade mark rights.
- a) Explain the role of GATT and WTO in agricultural subsidies. b) Role of WTO in liberalizing trade
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