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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 11:25 PM

Friday, December 5, 2008

Introduction to computers - their development through generations - classification - applications of computers. Anatomy of computers; Keyboard, monitor and CPU-input devices like OCR; OMR, MICR - output devices like printers, types of computer memory, storage devices - floppy disk, hard drives and magnetic tapes.

Software - types of software - machine language - binary code - bits and bytes - ASCII codes, high level languages, languages processors - compilers, interpreters, problem solving, algorithms and flow charts.

BASIC - character set - features of BASIC program - statements, keywords - writing and editing a program - execution, saving and loading constants and variables, expressions - use of statements like LET, INPUT, READ DATA, RESTORE, REM, PRINT, END - printer controls - control statements GOTO, ON GOTO, IF THEN, IF - THEN - ELSE, FOR NEXT, GOSUB - graphics in BASIC.

Operating systems - MSDOS - various internal commands - DIR and its keys, MD, RD, CD, COPY CON, COPY, REN, DEL, TREE, DEL TREE, FORMAT.

Windows - important features, various accessories - windows explorer, locating and copying files.

MS - OFFICE : MS-WORD - editing document, formatting text and various features.

MS-EXCEL - organization of work sheet, editing cells, generating graphs.

ORACLE - introduction to managing data - database concepts - RDBMS characteristics. Interactive SQL - the oracle data types - two dimensional matrix creation, creating labels, data entry, editing data, updating - computation - logical operations, manipulating data - oracle functions - indexes