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BIOCHEMISTRY Question Papers (Regular, Nov, 2008)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 10:09 AM

Monday, December 22, 2008

Code: 07A32301

SET: 1

1. (a) What do you mean by epimers? Explain with examples. (b) How many ways are there to represent the stereo isomers of glyceraldehydes?

2. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Effect of pH on enzyme activity
(b) Effect of temperature on enzyme activity
(c) Meallozymes
(d) LDH

3. (a) Explain the conversion of stored fatty acids to sucrose in germinating seeds. (b) Explain the conversion of the glycerol moiety of triacylglycerol to sucrose in germinating seeds.

4. Describe the process of hydrogen transfer along the respiratory chain.

5. What are aminotransferases? Write in detail the reactions catalyzed by GOT and GPT and comment on their diagnostic value.

6. Write short notes on their composition and health benefits:
(a) fish oils.
(b) vegetable oils.

7. Compare and contrast the kinetic and functional characteristics of glucokinase with that of hexokinase.

8. What is the end product of purine catabolism ? Write all the steps involved in the above.

SET: 2

1. What do you mean by glycoproteins? Explain glycoprotein's are information-rich conjugates containing oligosaccarides.

2. Define order of a reaction?Explain in detail about first and second order reactions.

3. (a) Describe the conversion of pyruvic acid to acetyl-CoA. How much energy is gained at various steps? (b) Describe the general sequence of events in the citric acid cylce. Which steps are oxidative? What is the total input and output of the cycle?

4. Summarize the flow of electrons and protons through the four complexes of the respiratory chain.

5. Present an overview of amino acid biosynthesis by employing presursors from:
(a) Glycolysis
(b) Citric acid cycle

6. Write short notes on:
(a) plasmogenes
(b) cardiolipin
(c) sphingomyclin

7. Describe the signal transduction processes involving the following as second messengers:
(a) Cyclic GMP
(b) NO

8. What are the different classes of RNA? Explain their role in protein synthesis.

SET: 3

1. Write short notes :
(a) Inter conversion D-Galactose forms
(b) Mutarotation

2. Describe the method used for investigating the kinetics of enzymes catalyzed reactions.

3. Discuss gluconeogenesis and glycolysis are reciprocally regulated.

4. What do you understand by 'redox' reaction? Write a note on oxidation versus reduction in the biological system.

5. What is glutathione? What are its constituent aminoacids and comment on its role in antioxidant defences.

6. Write short notes on:
(a) Carnitine shuttle
(b) Thiokinase

7. What is glycolysis? Compare and contrast the aerobic glycolysis with anaerobic glycolysis.

8. Write short notes on the following connected to RNA synthesis:
(a) Pribnow box
(b) -35 sequence
(c) Elongation
(d) Termination

SET: 4

1. What do you mean by glycoproteins? Explain glycoprotein's are information-rich conjugates containing oligosaccarides.

2. (a) Discuss the properties of serine proteases. (b) Explain the oligomeric enzymes with suitable example.

3. Discuss in detail phosphogluconatepathway.

4. What is proton-motive force? Write a note on the energy of electron transfer is efficiently conserved in a proton gradient.

5. Describe the biosynthesis of cysteine from serine in :
(a) Bacteria
(b) Mammals

6. What are the principal classes of phospjolipids? Write the structures (one) of each class.

7. Describe the reactions involved in the conversion of pyruvate to:
(a) Lactate
(b) Acetyl CoA
(c) Oxaloacetate
(d) Ethanol

8. Write the structures and properties of the following, commonly found in DNA and RNA:
(a) Pyrimidine bases
(b) Pyrimidinr nucleosides
(c) Primidine nucleotides