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BIO INFORMATICS Question Papers (Supple, 2007)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 7:50 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET : 1

1. What is Bioinformatics? Describe its scope in modern biology? [16]

2. Write short notes on:
(a) Gapped BLAST
(c) BLAST (2) [16]

3. What is multiple sequence alignment? Describe the applications of multiple sequence alignments? [16]

4. Describe the following:
(a) Structural classifications of proteins
(b) The CATH (Class, Architecture, Topology, Homology) databases [16]

5. Explain Database searching with Smith-waterman Dynamic programming method? [16]

6. Describe about Phylogenetic tree construction by using UPGMA method? [16]

7. Define Genome? Outline the structure and composition of prokaryotic and Eukaryotic genomes? [16]

8. Write short notes on:
(b) ORF [16]

SET : 2

1. Describe the following:
(a) Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
(b) Role of Internet in Bioinformatics [16]

2. Write a note on Parametric sequence alignment? [16]

3. How to multiply Aligned sequences and assessing quality of alignment? [16]

4. Define Secondary databases? Give an overview of secondary databases? [16]

5. What is Block Substitution Matrices (BLOSUM)? Describe them in detail? [16]

6. Write short notes on:
(a) Star decomposition
(b) PHYLIP programs [16]

7. Define Genome? Outline the structure and composition of prokaryotic and Eukaryotic genomes? [16]

8. Write an essay on gene Prediction in Eukaryotes? [16]

SET :3

1. What are the basic Computer skills required for Bioinformatician? Write elementary commands in Linux operating system? [16]

2. Explain about different BLAST programs in detail with a neat flow charts and how are they useful? [16]

3. How to multiply Aligned sequences and assessing quality of alignment? [16]

4. Write short notes on:
(a) Tr-EMBL
(b) P-fam [16]

5. Name the Database search algorithm employed in alignment of sequences and explain in detail about any one of it? [16]

6. Discuss in detail about Character based methods in phylogenetic Analysis? [16]

7. Describe briefly about different types of Gene mapping? [16]

8. Write short notes on:
(b) ORF [16]

SET : 4

1. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Domain and Domain name
(b) Modem
(c) Routers
(d) FQDN [16]

2. Describe the following:
(a) Importance of GAPs and GAP penalties in sequence alignment
(b) Edit distance of two strings
(c) Dot matrix Analysis [16]

3. What is a multiple alignment and why we do it? [16]

4. Write short notes on:
(a) PDB
(b) SCOP [16]

5. What is Block Substitution Matrices (BLOSUM)? Describe them in detail? [16]

6. Describe about Phylogenetic tree construction by using UPGMA method? [16]

7. Write short notes on:
(a) Computer tools for sequencing
(b) DNA fingerprinting [16]

8. Write short notes on:
(b) ORF [16]