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BIO PROCESS ECONOMICS AND PLANT DESIGN Question Papers (Regular, November 2007, RR)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 10:24 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET :1

1. Write in detail the steps involved in process synthesis including the selection of processing operation to convert the raw material to products. [16]
2. Liquid chlorine may be transfered from a chlorine storage container be pressurizing with dry chlorine gas. Develop two systems:
(a) Using recompressed chlorine vapur and
(b) Using vapourized chlorine; provide the approprite control and alarm system for each system. [8+8]
3. Estime the flash point of acetone and compare it with the experimental valve given in the Literature. Hint: Start with the basic principle that the fugacity in vapour phase must equal that in the liquid phase. The lower flammable limit for acetones 2.55 percent by volume. [16]
4. How do you estimate the total capital investment required for given plant? [16]
5. Discuss:
(a) Labor requirements for process equipment
(b) Estimate of costs for maintains and repairs. [8 × 2]
6. Write short notes on: [8+8]
(a) Safety indexes
(b) Safety audits.
7. Write in detail about Alternative investments. [16]
8. Define optimum design and illustrate the basic principle of an optimum design? [16]

SET :2

1. Write in detail the steps involved in process synthesis including the selection of processing operation to convert the raw material to products. [16]
2. Write breifly about safety regulations considered in designs? [16]
3. Cleanup of mercury spill in a unventilated stockroom fails to remove the mercury trapped in small cracks in the floor. Is the maximum concentration of mercury in the air at 230C acceptable if the federal standard permissable exposure limit for mercury in the air is 0.1 mg/m3? [16]
4. Discuss about:
(a) Total costs of operating the plant
(b) Selling the product. [8 × 2]
5. Discuss in detail about two estimate or total product cost? [16]
6. Write short notes on: [8+8]
(a) Safety indexes
(b) Safety audits.
7. Write short notes on: [8+8]
(a) Cost of captial
(b) Minimum acceptable rate of return.
8. Discuss on programming optimization problems? [16]

SET :3

1. Literative survey reveals many different processes for the production of acetylene. Select four different processes, prepare qualitative flow sheets for each, and discuss the essential differences btween each process. [16]
2. Liquid chlorine may be transfered from a chlorine storage container be pressurizing with dry chlorine gas. Develop two systems:
(a) Using recompressed chlorine vapur and
(b) Using vapourized chlorine; provide the approprite control and alarm system
for each system. [8+8]
3. Which of the following liquids commonly used in the laboratory could form flammable air-vapour mixtures if spilled in a storage cabinet and allowed to reach equilibrium? [16]
4. The purchased ?equipment cost for a plant which produces pentery addition thirtol(solid - fluid processing plant ) is $ 300, 000. The plant is to be an addition in to an existing formaldehyde plant. The major part of the bundling cost will be for indoor construction. The contractors fee will be 7% of the direct plant cost. All other plants on the basis of this information’s, estimates the total direct plant cost, the fixed capital investment, and the total capital investment. [16]
5. Discuss in detail about two estimate or total product cost? [16]
6. Write short notes on: [8+8]
(a) Safety indexes
(b) Safety audits.
7. Write in detail about Alternative investments. [16]
8. Discuss briefly on Linear programming? [16]

SET :4

1. Develop a membrane cascade system that could replace the C2 splitter without the use of a distillation column. Show whether a recycle of a retentate would be necessary to achieve the desired seperation specified for the ethyleve process. List the advantages and disadvantages of using surb a system relative to the other distillation/membrane hybrid configurations examined in the preliminary design of the base-case ethylene process. [16]
2. Write breifly about safety regulations considered in designs? [16]
3. Which of the following liquids commonly used in the laboratory could form flammable air-vapour mixtures if spilled in a storage cabinet and allowed to reach equilibrium? [16]
4. How do you estimate the total capital investment required for given plant? [16]
5. Discuss in detail about two estimate or total product cost? [16]
6. Discuss in detail about material safety data sheet. [16]
7. Write short notes on: [8+8]
(a) Cost of captial
(b) Minimum acceptable rate of return.
8. Write in detail about optimization problem. [16]