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BIO PHARMACEUTICAL TECHNOLOGY Question Papers (Regular, November 2007, RR)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 10:32 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET :1

1. (a) Describe the standers of weight and measures act?
(b) Briefly discuss the provisions of the insecticides Act regarding the import, manufacture, transport, distribution, and use of insecticides? [8+8]
2. Which physiochemical properties of the drug limit its distribution, describe in detail? [16]
3. (a) Explain why doubling the dose of a drug does not double the pharmacodynamic effects of the drug. [8]
(b) Answer any Two of the following.
i. Pharmacodynomics
ii. Therapeutic range
iii. Quantal response
iv. Graded response. [4+4]
4. (a) What is the filtration process? How you are going to select filter in the case of filter selection procedure in the bulk drug manufacturing?
(b) What are cartridge filters? Explain clearly. [8+8]
5. Write the working of rotary tablet - press. [16]
6. Write about different excepients used in the manufacture of parenteral dosage forms. [16]
7. Write the synthesis properties and uses of ascorbic acid. [16]
8. Write about non-steroidal contraceptives like Estrogens and their side effects. [16]

SET :2

1. (a) Define the term “Antidepressant”. Briefly describe the chemical classification of antidepressants. [8]
(b) Write structures and uses of the following drugs.
i. Penicilline
ii. Phenelzine sulfate (Nordil)
iii. Antriptyline hydro chloride(Enovil) [2+3+3]
2. Why is distribution of a drug not uniform throughout the body? List the factors influencing drug distribution. [16]
3. Describe about the biological effects of radiations? [16]
4. What are the different types of reactions involved in the case of bulk drug manufacturing. [16]
5. Write about different stages involved in sugar coating. [16]
6. Write about different preservatives & anti oxidants used in the manufacture of the parenteral dosage forms. [16]
7. Write the synthesis properties and uses of ascorbic acid. [16]
8. Write about non-steroidal contraceptives like Estrogens and their side effects. [16]

SET :3

1. Describe the development of drug and pharmaceutical industries in India. [16]
2. Which physiochemical properties of the drug limit its distribution, describe in detail? [16]
3. (a) Define Pharmacokinetics. Name and define the three pharmacokinetic parameters that describe a typical plasma level - time curve.
(b) What are the various pharamcodynamic parameters? [8+8]
4. What are the different types of purification techniques used in the case of bulk drug manufacturing process? [16]
5. Write about different stages involved in sugar coating. [16]
6. Write any Two of the following
(a) Leaker test
(b) Clarity test
(c) Pyrogens test. [8+8]
7. Write the synthesis properties and uses of ascorbic acid. [16]
8. What are synthetic or non-steroidal esterogens? Describe about their importance and side effects? [16]

SET :4

1. (a) What are adrenergic agents? Give details of these agents. [8]
(b) Give the chemical structure and uses of the following.
i. Asprin
ii. Salbutamol sulphate
iii. paracetamol. [2+3+3M ]
2. What are the characteristics of specialized transport systems? How can the Kinetics of such processes may be described? [16]
3. Why Pharmacokinetic models are more important in the case of drug metabolism, explain in detail? [16]
4. What is the importance of the flow sheet in the bulk drug manufacturing? Describe about different types of general reactions involved in the bulk drug production. [16]
5. Write the operation of rotary tablet press. [16]
6. Write about different excepients used in the manufacture of parenteral dosage forms. [16]
7. Write short notes on:
(a) Lubricant laxatives explain with examples.
(b) Vitamins and their importance
(c) Analgesic properties of opinion alkaloids. [6+5+5]
8. What are synthetic or non-steroidal esterogens? Describe about their importance and side effects? [16]