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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 11:22 AM

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Definition : Bioethics is the study of ethical issues /controversies brought about by advances in biology and medicine. Bioethicists are concerned with the ethical questions that arise along with the developments in biology, medicine and related fields like biotechnology.

Scientific advances have produced many social benifits. At the same time it has left behind some troubling questions. Public attention was drawn to these questions by abuses of human subjects in biomedical and behavioural research, especially during the Second world war.
The Nuremberg code was developed during the Nuremberg war crime trials as a set of standards for judging the physicians and scientists who had conducted biomedical experiments on concentration camp prisoners. Nuremberg code is often considered as a leap starting the interdisciplinary branch of bioethics.
Belmont Report published in 1979 is considered as a touchstone by many bioethicists. In 1974 National Research Act was signed into law in U.S facilitating the creation of National commision for the protection of Human subjects of Biomedical and Behavioural research. After 5 years of study the commision has released a report popu;arly Known as the Belmont report. Belmont Report focuses on Three principles:
1) Respect for autonomy of persons
2) Benificence
3) Justice

Later the principle of non maleficence is added.

To apply the general principles to the conduct of research involving human subjects, the Belmont Report suggested that the following requirements to be considered :
1) Informed consent
2) Risk/Benefit assesment
3) Just and fair selection of subjects of research

Since then Bioethics has grown with the increasing challenges in Public health and health policy, biotechnology. Today Bioetics is a fast growing academic and professional area of inquiry.

As a field of inquiry bioethics recieved boost when American president Clinton created an advisory commitee on Human Radiation Experiments conducted in the U.S between 1944 and 1974.

BIOETHICS; its purpose, ideology and methodology.

Bioethics is helpful in adressing the social and ethical concerns associated with Biomedical, Behavioural and Biotechnological Studies.

Bioethicists play a very important role in the creation of medical and biotechnological research efforts. They even are helpful in predicting or overseeing the possible hamful effects of a research affort well in advance.

Bioethicists are not hired because of their opinion or because they have special skills in reasoning, but because they know and can put to work the enormous body of research and history off discussions about bioethics in a fair, honest and intelligent way.

Bioethicists often focus on using philosophy to help analyze issues. But this aproach is sometimes challenged, and bioethics is becoming increasingly interdisciplinary. Many Bioethicists are coming from vrious fields like Physicians. Some even say that the philosophical point of view had a negative effect on the growth of the field. Some bioethicists, especially those who perform ethics consultation in clinical settings, emphasize the practical aspects of bipethics, and view the field as more closely related to clinical practice or public health than philosophy.