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BIOSENSORS AND BIOELECTRONICS Question Papers (Regular, 2006)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 8:17 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET :1

1. What are biosensors? Write in detail about the types of biosensors used in biological applications? [16]

2. Write in detail about the types of membranes used in biosensors and their merits and demerits. [16]

3. Write in brief about types of transducers used in biosensors their principles and applications. [16]

4. Write notes on any two of the following: [16]
(a) Piezo electric Transducers
(b) Chemiluminiscence based biosensors
(c) Impedemetric Transducers.

5. Write in brief about applications of biosensors in Medicine, agriculture and food industries? [16]

6. Discuss the potential advantages and developments of developing a biomolecular computer. [16]

7. Write in detail about the following: [16]
(a) Molecular arrays as memory stores
(b) Molecular wires and switches
(c) Mechanisms of unit assembly in a biomolecular computer.

8. Write in brief the designing of biomolecular photonic computer and it’s commercial prospects in biotechnology sector. [16]

SET :2

1. What are biosensors? Write in detail about various components of biosensors with their working mechanism. [16]

2. Write in detail the types of biosensors, their merits and demerits? [16]

3. Write in brief bout types of transducers with their working mechanism and their applications in biotechnology fields? [16]

4. Write short notes on the following: [16]
(a) Optical Transducers
(b) Conductometric Transducers
(c) Potentiometric Transducers
(d) Chemileuminiscence Transducers.

5. Write short notes on [16]
(a) Molecular arrays
(b) Molecular switches
(c) Mechanisms of unit assembly.

6. Write in brief about biosensors used in [16]
(a) Online Monitoring for industrial processes
(b) Environmental monitoring.

7. Write in brief potential advantages and developments towards a biomolecular computer. [16]

8. Write short notes on the following: [16]
(a) Information processing
(b) Assembly of biomolecular memory store.

SET :3

1. Write in detail about types of biosensors and their applications in various industrial & research areas. [16]

2. Write in detail the types of membranes used in biosensors, their working mechanisms and limitations. [16]

3. Write short notes on the following: [16]
(a) Calorimetric transducers
(b) Piezoelectric transducers
(c) Mechanical transducers
(d) Electronics based transducers.

4. Write in detail the principles and applications of various transducers in biotechnology sector. [16]

5. Write short notes on applications of biosensors in [16]
(a) Clinical Industry
(b) Medicine and Healthcare
(c) Agriculture and food
(d) Environmental monitoring.

6. Write short notes on: [16]
(a) Molecular switches
(b) Mechanisms of unit assembly
(c) Molecular arrays.

7. Write in brief about potential developments and advantages of using a biomolecular computer. [16]

8. Discuss the components and working mechanism of a biomolecular photonic computer and it’s commercial prospects. [16]

SET :4

1. Write in detail types of biosensors and their applications in biotechnology sector. [16]

2. Write in detail about the components and working mechanism of biosensor. [16]

3. Write in brief about the types of transducers and their applications in industries. [16]

4. Write the principle and working mechanism of a transducer. State their merits and demerits. [16]

5. Write short notes on: [16]
(a) Biosensors in clinical chemistry
(b) Biosensors in medicine and health care.

6. Write short notes on: [16]
(a) Molecular arrays
(b) Molecular switches
(c) Mechanism of unit assembly.

7. Write in short the need for developing a biomolecular computer and state its prospectus. [16]

8. How you will design a biomolecular photonic computer? State its components and working mechanism. [16]