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ENVIRONMENTAL BIOTECHNOLOGY Question Papers (Supple, 2007)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 2:09 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET :1

1. What are the characteristics of sewage? How do you analyse the various physical and chemical characteristics of sewage? [4+12]

2. What is sedimentation and what is its significance in sewage treatment? [3+13]

3. “Bioremediation is emerging as the most ideal alternative technology for removing environmental pollution”. Justify the statement. [16]

4. Write short notes on: [8+8]
(a) Landfarming
(b) Composting.

5. Write notes on any two [8+8]
(a) Bio hydro metallurgy.
(b) Biomineralisation.
(c) Microbial Minining.

6. What are Biofuels? How these are produced? Explain with examples. [3+8+5]

7. Write a detailed account on biodegradation of Xenobiotics? [16]

8. Write short notes on any two: [8+8]
(a) Cyanide detoxination
(b) Role of Oxalates
(c) Toxic organics.

SET :2

1. What is sewage? Explain in detail the various processes that are employed in the treatment of municipal sewage. [3+13]

2. Write short notes on (any two): [8+8]
(a) Sludge digestion.
(b) Sludge thickening.
(c) Septic tank.

3. Write a note on bioremediation of polluted sites. [16]

4. Write short notes on: [8+8]
(a) Soil piles.
(b) Prepared beds.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using microbes in metal recovery? [16]

6. What is biogas? What are its characteristics? Name and explain stages in its production along with the groups of bacteria responsible? [2+6+8]

7. Write a detailed account on biodegradation of Xenobiotics? [16]

8. Write short notes on any two: [8+8]
(a) Biodegradation of pesticides
(b) Biodegradation of Toxic organics
(c) Biodegradation of phenol compounds

SET :3

1. Discuss the characteristics of wastewater? Explain the various biological processes used in the treatment of wastewater. [8+8]

2. What are the functions of the following units in sewage treatment: [8+8]
(a) Septic tank
(b) Imhoff tank

3. Explain how environmental pollutant levels can be reduced by bioremediation methods. [16]

4. Write short notes on: [8+8]
(a) Landfarming
(b) Composting.

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using microbes in metal recovery? [16]

6. Describe the applications of different biofuels? Write the scope of using them as renewable energy sources. [10+6]

7. Write a detailed account on biodegradation of Xenobiotics? [16]

8. Detoxification of xenobiotics is achieved by using biological methods what are the methods. [16]

SET :4
1. What is sewage? Explain in detail the various processes that are employed in the treatment of municipal sewage. [3+13]

2. What is sedimentation and what is its significance in sewage treatment? [3+13]

3. Write a note on bioremediation of polluted sites. [16]

4. Write short notes on: [8+8]
(a) Bioventing and Biosparging.
(b) Phytoremediation.

5. How are low grade Ores used for metal extraction using bacteria? [16]

6. What are the non conventional renewable energy sources? Why it is necessary to find new energy sources? Explain. [4+5+7]

7. Write a detailed account on biodegradation of Xenobiotics? [16]

8. Explain the various biotechnological approaches of hazardous waste management? [16]