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GENETIC ENGINEERING Question Papers (Regular, 2004)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 2:14 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET :1

1. Discuss the regulatory components of the lac operon system.

2. Describe the mechanism of gene regulation in eukaryotes with a suitable example.

3. What are the characters of ideal plasmid. Explain with suitable example.

4. Give the methods of isolation and purification of DNA from plant systems.

5. Give a brief definition of a gene library. What is the essential difference between a genomic library and a cDNA library? List the major advantages/limitations on the use of each.

6. What is meant by PCR? Describe its methodology.

7. What is RFLP? Citing suitable examples, highlight its use in gene mapping.

8. Discuss about the viral methods used in doing In vivo gene therapy.

SET :2

1. Explain the role of promoter and operator in lac operon.

2. Explain the structural and functional details of DNA binding regulatory proteins in eukaryotes.

3. What are artificial plasmids? How can they be produced?

4. Explain the role of enzymes involved in genetic engineering.

5. Write the steps involved in the construction of a cDNA library.

6. How is PCR different from the traditional cloning?

7. Write short notes on any two:
a) Satellite markers
b) Restriction enzymes
c) Gel electrophoresis

8. Write about the various steps involved in gene therapy.

SET :3

1. Write notes on any two of the following:
a) Repressor
b) Inducer
c) Effector

2. What is signal transduction? How does it help in regulating gene expression?

3. Write notes on any two:
a) Relaxed plasmid
b) PUC8
c) µ - Complementation

4. Describe the types of restriction enzymes and their functions.

5. Discuss in detail the nucleic acid blotting techniques used in detection of cloned genes.

6. How are PCR products identified?

7. Using suitable examples, explain the importance of 16s r RNA as a molecular marker.

8. Write about the non-viral methods used for DNA injection in gene therapy.

SET :4

1. Write notes on any two of the following
a) Promoter
b) Operator
c) Structural genes.

2. Describe the regulation of gene expression in immunoglobulin production.

3. Explain the mechanism of transposition.

4. Describe the methods of manipulating DNA for gene cloning purpose.

5. Write short notes on any two:
a) Western blotting
b) Reverse transcription
c) Probes

6. Write short notes on any two:
a) Primers in PCR
b) Taq polymeraoe in PCR
c) cDNA

7. How is RAPD used in molecular diagnostics?

8. What is “Molecular pharming”? What are the gene products, which can be obtained from transgenic animals?