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GENETIC ENGINEERING Question Papers (Supple, 2008, Feb, Ro5)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 2:20 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET :1

1. What is the sporulation signal in B.subtilis? How are the genes involved in sporulation controlled? Explain in detail. [16]
2. What does gene amplification mean? How is it different from gene duplication?[16]
3. How can you detect transposition in bacteria? Explain in detail the process oftransposition. [16]
4. How does one isolate the genomic DNA? What are the differences in DNA isolation procedures in bacteria, plant cells and animal cells? [16]
5. How would you screen putative transformants for expression of the expected gene product? [16]
6. What are the different variations of PCR? Explain in detail. [16]
7. What are the different types of Molecular markers used currently for diagnosis/identification purposes? [16]
8. Discuss the strategy that should be employed for cloning of therapeutically important product like insulin. [16]

SET :2

1. Explain the following with examples:
(a) Activators
(b) Repressors
(c) Promoter
(d) Operator
(e) Cis acting
(f) Trans acting
(g) polycistronic
(h) monocistronic. [2 × 8]
2. Explain the following:
(a) Essential features of transcriptional activators
(b) Structural features of Transcription factor IIIA. [8 × 2]
3. How is chromosomal DNA separated from plasmid DNA during plasmid preparation? What is the function of EDTA in the TES buffer? Briefly describe the steps involved in plasmid isolation procedures. [16]
4. How does one select a suitable vector for cloning and expression of a protein? [16]
5. Explain the dideoxy method in detail. [16]
6. Write short notes on:
(a) hot-start protocol
(b) nested primers
(c) Q-PCR
(d) real time QPCR. [16]
7. Write short notes on:
(a) oligo chips
(b) DNA arrays [8+8]
8. What do you understand by the terms Ex vivo and In vivo? Explain these in detail with reference to gene therapy. [16]

SET :3

1. Explain the following with examples:
(a) Activators
(b) Repressors
(c) Promoter
(d) Operator
(e) Cis acting
(f) Trans acting
(g) polycistronic
(h) monocistronic. [2 × 8]
2. Explain the following:
(a) Essential features of transcriptional activators
(b) Structural features of Transcription factor IIIA. [8 × 2]
3. How do transposons differ from insertion elements? Explain in detail. [16]
4. Explain the construction of genomic libraries. Is it possible to get all the genes cloned while constructing a genomic library? [16]
5. Explain the recent developments in DNA sequencing. [16]
6. How does one identify a PCR product? In a particular PCR amplification experiment, the product obtained was shorter than the expected length. Give your comments on the possible reasons. [16]
7. Write short notes on:
(a) oligo chips
(b) DNA arrays [8+8]
8. Write short notes on:
(a) recombinant insulin
(b) human growth hormone. [8+8]

SET :4
1. How do you define an operon? Explain the Control of gene expression in bacteria by citing the example of any operon. [16]
2. Explain the following terms:
(a) Regulatory sequences
(b) Enhancers
(c) reporter genes
(d) gene silencing. [4 × 4]
3. How is chromosomal DNA separated from plasmid DNA during plasmid preparation? What is the function of EDTA in the TES buffer? Briefly describe the steps involved in plasmid isolation procedures. [16]
4. What are the different types of cloning vectors used in genetic engineering? [16]
5. Explain the recent developments in DNA sequencing. [16]
6. Comment on nature of enzymes used in PCR along with their importance. [16]
7. How are the DNA arrays produced? Discuss some of the technologies available for the production. [16]
8. Discuss the strategy that should be employed for cloning of therapeutically important product like insulin. [16]