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GENETIC ENGINEERING Question Papers (Regular, 2007 Nov, R05)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 2:19 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET :1

1. Differentiate between:
(a) Basal level transcription and induction
(b) CAP and CRP. [8 × 2]

2. What are reporter genes? How are these useful in analyzing gene function? [16]

3. How are plasmids isolated from bacteria? Explain. [16]

4. Comment on:
(a) Taq polymerase
(b) Alkaline phosphatase
(c) Polynucleotide phosphorylase
(d) Klenow polymerase. [4 × 4]

5. What is the basis for immunological methods used in screening of recombinant clones? [16]

6. How does one identify a PCR product? In a particular PCR amplification experiment, the product obtained was shorter than the expected length. Give your comments on the possible reasons. [16]

7. What are the different types of Molecular markers used currently for diagnosis/identification purposes? [16]

8. What are second generation recombinant insulins? Explain how they are different
from the native molecule. [16]

SET :2

1. In which operon do you find the leader sequence? How does the translation of leader sequence help in transcription control in certain operons? [16]

2. Explain the following terms:
(a) Regulatory sequences
(b) Enhancers
(c) reporter genes
(d) gene silencing. [4 × 4]

3. Comment on:
(a) LTR retroelements
(b) non LTR retroelements. [8 × 2]

4. How does one isolate the genomic DNA? What are the differences in DNA isolation procedures in bacteria, plant cells and animal cells? [16]

5. Explain the recent developments in DNA sequencing. [16]

6. What are the different factors that one should take into consideration for obtaining a successful amplification in PCR? [16]

7. What is the alternative to DNA arrays? Compare the technology and sensitivity of DNA arrays and oligo chips. [16]

8. What are the limitations and advantages of gene therapy? Discuss in detail. [16]

SET :3

1. What is the significant feature of the leader sequence of the amino acid biosynthetic operons? How does this feature help in tight control of gene expression? [16

2. Explain the following:
(a) Essential features of Leucine zipper proteins
(b) Structural features of homeodomain proteins. [8 × 2]

3. What properties do plasmids confer on their host cells? [16]

4. How does one isolate the genomic DNA? What are the differences in DNA isolation procedures in bacteria, plant cells and animal cells? [16]

5. Explain the recent developments in DNA sequencing. [16]

6. What is a primer? Discuss its role in DNA replication and add a note on its importance and usefulness in PCR. [16]

7. Discuss the concept of gene-chip and micro-arrays in detail. [16]

8. What are the possible disadvantages of producing recombinant growth hormones for animals? Discuss. [16]

SET :4

1. How is the activity of enzymes involved in sugar metabolism regulated? Explain in detail by citing any single example. [16]

2. What are the other means by which gene rearrangements can take place apart from homologous recombination? Explain in detail. [16]

3. What are the effects of transposition? Discuss in detail. [16]

4. List out the different enzymes used in DNA manipulation along with the reactions they catalyze. [16]

5. Explain the recent developments in DNA sequencing. [16]

6. How does one identify a PCR product? In a particular PCR amplification experiment, the product obtained was shorter than the expected length. Give your comments on the possible reasons. [16]

7. What are the different types of Molecular markers used currently for diagnosis/identification purposes? [16]

8. Write short notes on:
(a) recombinant insulin
(b) human growth hormone. [8+8]