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METABOLIC ENGINEERING Question Papers (Regular, 2007)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 10:12 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET : 1

1. Describe in detail positive and negative control of gene expression by citing the example of lac operon.

2. Write about different enzymes required for the synthesis of cAMP.

3. How do you apply the principle of metabolic engineering to the synthesis of tryptophan. Explain in detail.

4. Discuss the different parameters required for limiting end product accumulation.

5. Write notes on :

a) Secondary metabolites

b) Idiophase.

6. How does carry out the bioconversion reaction for insoluble substrate. Discuss in detail.

7. Discuss different kinds of bioconversions with suitable examples.

8. Explain the phenomena of feed back repression in resistant mutants.