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PLANT BIO-TECHNOLOGY Question Papers (Supple, February 2007, RR)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 2:28 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET :1

1. Explain about direct and indirect embryogenesis and significance of somatic embryogenesis in plant tissue culture? [8+8]

2. Explain the process of production of secondary metabolites in culture? [16]

3. What are methods of augmenting cell biomass in bioreactors? [16]

4. Write short notes on any two [8+8]
(a) Vir gene
(b) T- DNA transfer
(c) Selectable marker

5. How transgenic plants are produced using various viruses as vectors? [16]

6. What are ferredoxin and flavodoxin and give an account on the role of them in Nitrogen fixation? [3+3+10]

7. What are transposons? Discuss their role in genetic engineering. [4+12]

8. Explain the process of gene transfer of herbicide tolerance. [16]

SET :2

1. Describe historical view in the developmental aspect of plant tissue culture. [16]

2. What are elicitors? Give an account on a variety of physiological responses produced under chemically defined and fungal elicitor stress. [4+12]

3. Explain the factors effecting growth in a bioreactor? [16]

4. What is meant by Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer? [16]

5. Explain in detail about various viral vectors used for gene transfer in plants? [16]

6. What is meant by Symbiosis? Explain it with a suitable example. [6+12]

7. Write a note on phenotypic and genotypic effects of transposition? [8+8]

8. Write short notes on any two [8+8]
(a) Protinase inhibitors
(b) Recombinant baculovirus
(c) Insect control agents

SET :3

1. Write a note on totipotency? Explain the importance of organogenesis? [6+10]

2. Explain the process of production of secondary metabolites in culture? [16]

3. What are the different bioreactors? Compare the functioning of different bioreactors? [8+8]

4. Explain about the importance of cloning vector in the Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer? [16]

5. Give an account on various viral vectors used in gene transfer? [16]

6. Give an account on legume symbiosis. [16]

7. Give an account on the transposons of Prokaryotes? [16]

8. Explain the role of Bt endotoxin genes in the introduction of insect control agents in to plants. [16]

SET :4

1. Explain the importance of acclimatization process in plant biotechnology? How this can be achieved? [10+6]

2. List the secondary metabolites of plant origin performing as insecticides? [16]

3. Bioreactors are boom for the production of secondary metabolites- justify. [16]

4. What is meant by cocultivation? Explain its importance in transformation technique? [8+8]

5. What is the importance of Gemini viruses in the integration of foreign gene in to the plant host cell? [16]

6. What is meant by Symbiosis? Explain it with a suitable example. [6+12]

7. What are the differences among an Is element and a transposon? [8+8]

8. Explain the process of gene transfer of herbicide tolerance. [16]