SET :1
- How many types of licenses can be issued for the manufacture of drugs? Describe the general procedure for obtaining a license stating the conductions to be satisfied.
- How are ionic/ionizable drugs absorbed
Buffered aspirin tablets are more suitable than sodium salt form of aspirin. Why?
3. Define pharmacokinetics. Name and define the three pharmacokinetic parameters that describe a typical plasma level time curve
What are the various pharmacodynamic parameters?
- What are the parameters used in the manufacture of bulk drugs? How the parameters are controlled?
- Write the operation of rotary tablet press.
- What is quality assurance and how does it control the quality of drug product?
- a) Differentiate between fat soluble vitamins and water soluble vitamins. Give examples, write their structure, properties and uses.
- What are antibiotics? Discuss their chemical and mechanism based classification.
SET :2
1. Define the term “ antidepressant “. Briefly describe the chemical classification of antidepressants.
Write structures and uses of the following drugs.
a) Penicillin
b) Phenelzine sulfate (Nordil)
c) Antiriptyline hydro chloride (Enovil)
2. Which physiochemical properties of the drug limit its distribution, describe in detail?
3. What are the various diagnostic applications of radioisotopes?
4. Write the flow diagram of reactors in the bulk drug industries by using any example of bulk manufacturing process and explain.
How the pH and temperature effect the bulk drug manufacturing process. Explain with examples.
5. Write about the different formulation procedures available for the sustained action dosage forms.
6. Write about different excipients used in the manufacture of parenteral dosage forms.
7. Write the synthesis properties and uses of ascorbic acid.
8. a) What are hormones? How they are useful in our body?
- How many types of licenses can be issued for the manufacture of drugs? Describe the general procedure for obtaining a license stating the conductions to be satisfied.
2. Why drugs reffered to as xenobiotics? Explain.
What are soft drugs? Why are they considered safe (w.r.t. the metabolites formed) and have short life.
3. Describe about the biological effects of radiations.
4. Write short notes on :
a) Wet and dry milling
b) Classification of solids based on drying behavior
c) Pan dryers
5. Write the operation of rotary tablet press.
6. Write about the different evaluation procedures for parenteral dosage forms.
7. Differentiate between stimulant laxatives and hyperosmotic laxatives with suitable examples.
8. Why some of the sulpha drugs are called as antibiotics? Describe the structure of tetracyclines.
SET :4
1. What types and classes of advertisements are exempted under the drugs and magic remedies act and rule? Who is empowered to grant such exemptions? What classes of advertisements are prohibited to be exported or imported? Define the terms “advertisement” and “magic remedies” .
2. Discuss briefly the factors affecting GE (gastic emptying) of drugs?
Quote examples of complexation used to enhance bio – availability of a drug?
3. Define pharmacokinetics. Name and define the three pharmacokinetic parameters that describe a typical plasma level time curve
What are the various pharmacodynamic parameters?
4. What is the importance of the flow sheet in the bulk drug manufacturing? Describe about different types of general reactions involved in the bulk drug production.
5. Write the operation of rotary tablet press.
- What is quality assurance and how does it control the quality of drug product?
7. What are fat soluble vitamins? Explain their properties and uses by taking some examples.
8. a) Write about male sex hormones and oral contraceptives or pills. b) Write about corpus luteum hormones or gestogens
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