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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 12:18 PM

Monday, November 24, 2008

SET : 1

1. Describe the prevention of food adulteration act and rules.

Answer any two of the following :

a) Central food on laboratory

b) Standards of quality

c) Preservative in food article

d) Coloring matter in food articles.

2. What are the characteristics of specialized transport systems? How can the kinetics of such processes may be described?

3. Write short notes of the following :

a) Pharmacokinetics

b) Organ imaging technique

c) Pharmacodynamics & therapeutic range

4. What is drying process in the bulk drug manufacturing? Write the classification of dryers and describe them.

5. Write about the sugar coating of tablets.

6. Write about different preservatives and anti oxidants used in the manufacture of the parenteral dosage forms.

7. Indicate the importance of vitamins B1, B2, D & E, what are the sources of these vitamins.

Write about non-steroidal contraceptives like estrogens and their side effects.

SET :2

1. Define the term “ antidepressant “. Briefly describe the chemical classification of antidepressants.

Write structures and uses of the following drugs.

a) Penicillin

b) Phenelzine sulfate (Nordil)

c) Antiriptyline hydro chloride (Enovil)

2. Why the phase 2 reactions are called as true detoxification reactions in drug metabolism, explain with examples?

3. Write short notes of the following :

a) Pharmacokinetics

b) Organ imaging technique

c) Pharmakodynamics and therapeutic range

4. Write short notes of the following :

a) Crystallization process

b) Drying process

c) Mixing process

5. Write about different stages involved in sugar coating.

6. Write about different glass containers used for the packing of dosage form.

7. Write the synthesis properties and uses of ascorbic acid.

8. Answer any two of the following :

a) Tetracyclines structures, properties and uses.

b) Different structures of penicillins

c) Classification of antibiotics

SET :3

1. What are cholinergic drugs? Discuss the different types of cholinergic drugs.

2. How are ionic/ionizable drugs absorbed

Buffered aspirin tablets are more suitable than sodium salt form of aspirin. Why?

3. Define pharmacokinetics. Name and define the three pharmacokinetic parameters that describe a typical plasma level time curve

What are the various pharmacodynamic parameters?

4. What is the importance of the flow sheet in the bulk drug manufacturing? Describe about different types of general reactions involved in the bulk drug production

5. Write about different stages involved in sugar coating.

6. Write the quality control of parenteral dosage forms.

7. Write the synthesis properties and uses of ascorbic acid.

8. Write about male sex hormones and oral contraceptives or pills.

Write about corpus leutium hormones or gestogens.

SET :4

1. Explain about therapeutic agents, and what are general anaesthetics? Describe different types of general anaesthetics, give examples.

2. Give reasons for higher solubility and better dissolution of salt forms of the drug in comparison to their free acidic or basic forms.

Discuss briefly the influence of pharmaceutical excipients on drug bio-availability?

3. How the radioactive radiations affect the human body? Describe about the effect of radiation on the rate of cell division?

4. How the pH is controlled in the manufacture of bulk drugs? Explain with examples .

How the temperature is controlled in case of bulk drug manufacturing. Explain with examples.

5. Write the operation of rotary tablet press.

6. Write about the different plastic materials used for the packing of pharmaceuticals.

7. Write short notes on :

a) Analgesics and their therapeutic value, give examples.

b) Laxatives and their therapeutic importance. Give examples.

c) Vitamins and their importance. Explain clearly.

8. What are the conjugated estrogens and describe about conjugated estrogens with examples.

Describe about the therapeutic importance of non-steroidal contraceptives?