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METABOLIC ENGINNERING Question Papers (2008,Reg)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 4:12 AM

Saturday, November 22, 2008

SET : 2

  1. How can metabolic pathways genetically controlled explain with any two examples?
  2. Explain the metabolic pathway manipulations to improve the productionof 1,3 propanediol.
  3. What are precursor effects? Briefly explain the regulation of secondary metabolic pathways.
  4. Write short notes on the following : a) How specific rates and yields are related? b) Explain the calculation of yields and specific rates.
  5. How gene dosage is evaluated and how does gene dosage affect fermentation process?
  6. Explain in detail the role of metabolic flux analysis in metabolic engineering.
  7. Free energy is the most useful thermodynamic function in metabolic engineering; illustrate your answer with suitable metabolic pathway.
  8. What is RNA interface technology? Explain its role in metabolic manipulations.
SET : 3
  1. Define Operon and explain trp operon in detail.
  2. Explain the metabolic pathway manipulations to improve the production of 1,3 propanediol.
  3. Distuinguish between primary and secondary metabolites; explain the phase during which secondary metabolites are synthesised?
  4. Write short notes on : a) Origin of capacity to degrade xenobiotics by microorganisms b) Use of mixed microbial popuations.
  5. Write about metabolic pathway manipulations for the enhancement of product yield with reference to ethanol production.
  6. Explain briefly how radiolabeled materials are utilized in experimental determination of metabolic flux.
  7. Discuss the role of molecular biology and recombinant DNA technology for metabolic pathway improvement.
  8. Role of metabolic engineering in the production of Polyhydroxyalkanates(PHA)


Unknown said...

Its great that u r pasting questions. why don't u put the relevant answers as well?