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MICROBIOLOGY Question Papers (2008,Reg)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 3:52 AM

Saturday, November 22, 2008

SET : 4

  1. Why are microorganisms so useful to biologists as experimental models?
  2. Write notes : a) Phenetic classification b) ED Values c) FAME d) Signature sequences
  3. Define "virology". Discuss the contribution made by different scientists for its development.
  4. Discuss general steps in viral replication.
  5. Define viruses and explain the viral morphology.
  6. How do you measure microbial growth. Explain about measurement of cell numbers and measurement of cell mass.
  7. Define water activity and briefly discuss how it can be determined. Why is it difficult for microorganisms to grow at low water activity (aw) values.
  8. Explain the use of physical methods in control of microorganisms growth.