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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 9:29 PM

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Brief chemistry of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and nucleoproteins and detailed metabolism of the above. Outlines of the mechanism of protein synthesis and genetic regulation of metabolism. Outlines of biochemistry of cell division and metastatis.
Biochemistry of important body fluids. Principles involved in the analysis of blood, urine and feaces and interpretation of results.
Enzymes : Classification, mode of action, factors affecting the enzyme action and co-enzymes.
Brief outline of energy and posphate metabolism and detoxification mechanisms of the body. Principles involved in biological oxidation.
The biochemical role of Vitamins and hormones-principles of nutrition and dietetics.

Books suggested:
1. Review of physiological chemistry by Harold, A.Harper;
2. Text book of biochemistry by West, Todd, Manson, Van Bruggen.

Reference books:
3. Hawk's Physiological chemistry by Bernard L.Oser;
4. Biochemistry by Albert Lehninger.