Module 1; Introduction
Definition, scope and importance
Measuring and defining environmental development; indicators.
Module 2; ecosystem
Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and functions of ecosystems
- Forest
- Grassland
- Desert
- Aquatic (lakes, river and estuaries)
Land resources
- Land as a resource
- Common property resources
- Land degradation
- Soil erosion and desertification
- Effect of modern agriculture, fertilizer-pesticide problems
- Use and over-exploitation
- Mining and dams-their effects on forest and tribal people
- Use and over utilization of surface and ground water
- Floods, droughts
- Water logging and salinity
- dams-benefits and costs
- conflicts over water
- Energy needs
- Renewable and non-renewable energy sources
- Use of alternate energy sources
- Impact of energy use on environment
1. Value of biodiversity - consumptive and productive use, social, ethical, aesthetic and option values.
2. Bio-geographical classification of India-India as a mega diversity habitat.
3. Threats to biodiversity - Hot spots, Habitat loses, Poaching of wild life, loss of species, seeds, etc.
4. Conservation of bio-diversity - in situ and ex situ conservation.
Module 5; Environmental pollution - local and Global issues
Causes, effects and control measures of
- Air pollution
- Indoor air pollution
- Water pollution
- Soil pollution
- Marine pollution
- Noise pollution
- Solid waste management, composting, vermiculture
- Urban and industrial wastes, recycling and reuse
Global warming
Acid rain
Ozone depletion
Module 6; Environmental problems in India
Drinking water, sanitation and public health
Effects of activities on the quality of environment
- Urbanization
- Transportation
- Industrialization
- Green Revolution
Controversies on major dams, resettlement and rehabilitation of people; Problems and concerns.
Rain water harvesting, cloud seeding and watershed management
Module 7; Economy and Environment
The economy and environment interaction
Economics of development, preservation and conservation
Sustainability; theory and practice
Limits to growth
Equitable use of resources for sustainable lifestyles
Environmental impact assessment
Module 8; Social issues and the environment
Pollution growth and environment
Environmental education
Environmental movements
Environmental Vs development
Module 9; Institution and Governance
Regulation by government
Monitoring and enforcement of environmental regulation
Environmental acts
- Water (Preservation and control of pollution) act
- Air (Preservation and control of pollution) act
- Wild life protection act
- Environment protection act
- Coastal zone regulations
Environmental governance
Module 10; International Conventions
Stockhome conference 1972
Earth summit 1992
World commission for environmental development.
Module 11; Case studies
Chipko movement
Narmada bachao andolan
Silent valley project
Madhura refinery and Taj Mahal
Industrialization of pattancheru
Nuclear reactor at Nagarjuna sagar
Tehri dam
Ralegaon siddhi (Anna Hazare)
Kolleru lake-aquaculture
Florisis in Andhra Pradesh
Module 12; Field work
Visit to a local area to document and mapping environmental assets - river/forest/grass/land/hill/mountain.
Study of local environment - common plants, insects, birds
Study of simple ecosystem - pond, river, hill, slopes etc.
Visit to industries, water treatment plants, affluent treatment plants.
Text books:
1. Introduction of Environmental science and technology by Y.Anjaneyulu published by Pharma book syndicate
2. Textbook of environmental science and technology by M.Anji Reddy published by Pharma book syndicate.
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