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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 8:31 PM

Friday, December 5, 2008

1. History of pharmacy, pharmacy profession and evolution of pharmacy-Pharmacy in India-Pharmacopoeias of India, B.P, U.S.P. and International Pharmacopoeia-metrology - Weights and Measures - Balances - Types and Care.

2. Dosage Forms - Classification - Definition and essential characteristics - Formulation and its purpose - Formulation additives.

3. A study of principles, Formulation, General Methods of preparation and uses of the following types of Preparation including a study of official (IP/BP) and other popular products under each category.

  • Liquids for external use: Lotions, Liniments, Glycerins, Collodions, Paints, Gargles, Mouth washes, and Ear drops.
  • Liquid for external use: Waters, solutions, spirits, elixirs, syrups.
  • Emulsions and suspensions.
4. A study of principles, formulation, general methods of preparation and uses of the following types of preparation including a study of official (IP/BP) and other popular products under each category.
Semisolids: Ointments, creams, pastes, gels, suppositories.
Galenicals: A study of marceration, percolation and continuous hot extraction. Method of preparation and uses of the following Galenicals: Compound tincture of Benzoin, liquid extraction of Belladonna, Dry Extract of Nux Vomica.

5. Prescription, types, latin terms in prescriptions - general principles of dispensing, accuracy and care in dispensing and administering medicines, labeling and packing. Pharmaceutical claculations of percentage solutions, doses, posology, alligation, proof strength.

6. Principles involved and procedures adopting in the dispensing of prescriptions covering solutions, mixtures, lotions and linitements, emulsions, suspensions, powders, suppositories and semisolids.

7. Incompatibility: Physical, chemical and therapeutic - methods of overcoming and handling incompatible prescription.

1. Introduction to pharmaceutical dosage forms by H.C.Ansel;
2. Bentley's text book of pharmaceuticals by E.A.Rawlins;
3. I.P., B.P. and B.P.C (current editions);
4. Text book of professional pharmacy by N.K.Jain and S.N.sharma;
5. Cooper and Gunn's Dispensing pharmacy;
6. Tutorial pharmacy by Cooper and Gunn;
7. The science and practice of Pharmacy by Remingtons.
8. Modern dispensing pharmacy by N.K.Jain and G.D.Gupta published by Pharma Book Syndicate.