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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 6:48 AM

Friday, December 5, 2008

1. Experiments to provide practice to the students in the uses of organic chemistry laboratory techniques such as cystallization, distillation (at normal pressure and under reduced pressure), sublimation, determination of physical constants like melting point and boiling point.
2. Identification of mono and multi functional organic compounds by systematic qualitative organic analysis (carboxylic acid, phenols, amines, aldehydes and ketones, alchohols, esters, hydrocarbons, nitro compounds and anilides).
3. Preparation of simple organic compounds such as nitrobenzene, iodoform, acetanilide, aspirin, sulphanilic acid, benzoic acid and benzanilide.

Text Books:
1. Organic chemistry by Morrison and Boyd
2. Bentley and Driver's Text book of Pharmaceutical chemistry
3. Organic chemistry, Vol. I by I.L.Finar.