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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 11:08 AM

Saturday, December 6, 2008


1. History, branches of microbiology and importance of pharmaceutical microbiology.
Contribution of Antony Van Leeuwenhoek, Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur and Alexander Fleming.
2. Microscopy - Principle and description of light microscope and electron microscope.
3. Structure of procaryotic and eukaryotic cells and their comparision.
4. Theory of staining, simple, Gram's acid fast, negative, flagella and spore staining methods.

a) Unit - II

1. Study of morphology, broad classification of bacteria, yeasts, actinomycetes, fungi, viruses and life cycle of bacteriophage.
2. Types and preparation of media for bacterial, fungal and actinomycete cultures.
3. Different methods of isolation and preservation of microbial cultures.
4. System of identification of bacteria - preliminary criteria for identification, some biochemical tests - Fermentation of carbohydrates, nitrate reduction, starch hydrolysis and gelatin liquefaction, H2S production.
5. Study of bacterial growth - Growth, generation time, growth rate and growth curve. Techniques for quantitative measurement of bacterial growth (viable and total counts). Synchronous and continuous growth.
6. Effect of UV light, temperature, pH, osmotic pressure, salt concentration and metal ions on bacterial growth.

b) Unit - III

1. Sterilization methods: Moist heat, dry heat, filtration, gaseous and radiation methods. Sterilization indicators. Principles and significance of Sterility.
2. Concept of asepsis and maintenance of aseptic conditions.
3. General principles of antibiotics, clinically useful antibiotics, mode of action, sensitivity tests and antibiotic resistance.
4. Dynamics of disinfection, merits and demerits of different disinfectants, commonly used disinfectants, their mechanism of action. Evaluation of disinfectants (Rideal Walker and Chick Martin coefficients and their limitations)
5. Introduction to microbiology of water and milk. Bacteriological examination for assessment of the quality of milk and water.
6. Microbial limit tests for E.Coli and Pseudomonas

c) Unit - IV

1. Immunity: Definition of antigen and antibody, types of antigen and antibodies, classification of immunoglobulins, types of immunity.
2. Antigen - Antibodies reactions (agglutination, precipitation, neutralization and complement fixation). Hyper sensitive type of reactions.
3. Definitions of infection, nonspecific defense mechanisms, bacterial toxins, virulence and virulence factors and attenuation.
4. Methods of transmission of communicable and infectious diseases, carriers, vectors and reservoirs.
5. General methods of immunization against diseases.

d) Unit - V

1. Study of etiology, diagnosis, sources of infection, mode of transmission, immunization methods, prevention and control of the following diseases, Bacillary dysentery, typhoid, cholera, amoebiasis, syphilis, gonorrhea, AIDS, tetanus, diptheria, tuberculosis, leprosy, food poisoning and infective hepatitis.
2. Genetic recombination - Bacterial conjugation, transformation and transduction. Mutation, mutagens, mechanism of mutation, types of mutations, isolation of nutritional and antibiotic resistant mutants.