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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 10:59 AM

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Organoleptic examination, description and microscopical examination of the drugs mentioned below.
Powders: Lycopodium, Kamala; Starches: Wheat, potato, rice and maize; Leaves: Eucalyptus, senna, datura, adathoda and digitalis; Barks: Cinnamon, cinchona, cascara and kurcho; Wood: Quassia; Seeds: Nux-vomica, linseed; Fruit: Fennel, coriander, cumin, cloves.
Identification of crude drugs studied in theory in their "entire" and "broken" condition by their gross characters and by qualitative tests.

Books Recommended:
1. Wallis, TE.Analytical Microscopy, J & A Churchill Limited, U.K.
2. Kokate, CK. Practical Pharmacognosy.
3. Lalla, PK. Practical Pharmacognosy, Lina, Calcutta, 1981.