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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 10:28 AM

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Introduction, development, present status and future scope of pharmacognosy;
Classification of crude drugs: Alphabetical, morphological, taxanomical, chemical and therapuetic;
Cultivation , collection, processing and storage of crude drugs, factors influencing cultivation of medicinal plants. Types of soils and fertilizers of common use. A study of mineral drugs, fossil organisms, diatomite, chalk, kaolin, bentolite, Fuller's earth. A study of commercial fibres, their sources, preperation, characters, chemical tests, uses, etc., - cotton, cellulose, regenerated cellulose, regenerated cellulose, jute, wool, silk, nylon; Starch - manufacture and general characteristics of wheat, potato, maize and rice starches, soluble starches, dextran.

Microscopical and macroscopical characters, varieties, cultivation, collection, principal, constituents, chemical nature, tests for identification, adulterants, substituents and uses of the following drugs. Leaves: Eucalyptus, senna, adhatoda, digitalis, squill and datura. Flowers: Cloves, pyrethrum, saffron. Fruit: Fennel, cumin, coriander, ajowan, dill, caraway, orange, lemon and capsicum.

Powders of natural occurence: Lycopodium, pollen, kamala, lupulin; Entire organisms: Carrageenan, ergot, penicillin, ephedra, belladona, lobelia, peppermint, vinca and leech.

Microscopic characters, cultivation, collection, commercial varieties, adulterants, chemical constituents and uses of the following drugs.
Barks: Cinchona, cinnamon, cascara segrada, kurchi, wild cherry, quilla.
Seeds: Nux vomica, stropanthus, Linseed, isphagula, castror, areca nut, colchicum.
Woods: Quassia, sandal.

Recommende books:
1. Atal, CK and Kappor, BM. Cultivation and utilization of medicinal plants.
2. Trease, CE and Evans, WC. Textbook of pharmacognacy. 11th to 14th Editions. Tindal. L. U.K.
3. Tyler, VC Bardy, Lr and Robers JE.Pharmacognosy. 8th Edition, Lea & Febeger, Philadelphia.
4. Wallis, TE. Textbook of pharmacognosy, 5th edition, J & A, churchill limited, U.K.
5.Kokate, CK Purohit, AP. and Gokhale, SB.Pharmacognosy.