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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 12:43 AM

Friday, December 5, 2008

Effective Communication:
Elements of communication, 7C's of communication, Types of communication, Speaking and listening, Non Verbal communication, Writing skills, Body language, Improvement of communication skills.

Effective Public Speaking:
Audience Analysis, Choosing the subject, Preparation of speech, Presentation, Use of various aids, Launching Pad, Evaluation, How to overcome Stage fear.

Memory Techniques:
Memory Testing, Process of learning, How to train your observation, retention of information, link method of memory, importance of memory, absent-mindedness, memory demonstration.

Human Relations:
Understanding people and human nature, communication barriers, skillful talk, listening to people, influencing and convincing people, making good impression, final thoughts.

Decision Making:
Crisis, identification and understanding the problem, writing possible solutions and selecting the best one, implementation.

Stress Management:
Causes of stress, understanding human nature, mood, temperament, needs, behavior, reactions, stress at home, work place, relaxation techniques.

Time management:
Importance of time, identifying time wasters, four chambers of time management, steps for proper management of time.

Goal setting:
Introduction, identifying goals, SWORT analysis, SMART goals, short term and long term goals, writing of mission statement, evaluation.

Team Management:
Identifying goals, setting targets, delegating tasks, monitoring and coordination.

Interview facing:
Preparation of the bio-data , preparation for the interview, attire, postures and gestures, right way of answering questions.

Recommended books
1. "Quick and easy way to effective speaking" by Dale Carneige.
2. "How to develop a super power memory" by Harry Lorayne, Gaurav Publishing house, New Delhi.
3. "Improve your memory" by Ran Fry.
4. "Skill with people" by Les Giblin, Print media, New Delhi.
5. "How to develop self confidence and influence people by public speaking" by Dale Carneige.
6. "Coping with stress at work" by J.M.Atkinson.
7. "How to make successful decisions" by A.Hardingham.
8. Communicative competence by Varanasi Bhaskara Rao published by pharma book syndicate.
9. Personal and emotional competence by Varanasi Bhaskara Rao published by pharma book syndicate.


James Thomas Klotzle said...

These look like great resources!

I do stress management coaching professionally, and my passion is showing people the link between stress, relationships and communication skills.

You can check out my video blog for weekly updates on these subjects...


James T.