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BIO INFORMATICS Question Papers (Supple, 2006)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 7:49 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET : 1

1. Why is bioinformatics important and explain its applications in the field of biology?

2. What is a sequence alignment? Describe the significance of sequence alignment in detail and list out the types of sequence alignment?

3. Write about hidden markov models of multiple sequence alignment?

4. How can you classify sequence database? Describe about nucleotide sequence databases?

5. Who created BLAST and explain the type of scoring matrix used by BLAST?

6. Discuss about relationships of phylogenetic analysis to sequence alignment?

7. Write short notes on :

a) Computer tools for sequencing

b) DNA finger printing

8. What is a gene? Write the fine structure of the gene and compare the structural differences of gene between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?

SET : 2

1. Describe the following :

a) Uniform resource locator

b) Role of internet in bioinformatics

2. Explain about different BLAST program in detail with a neat flow charts and how are they useful?

3. Write short notes on :

a) Relationship of multiple sequence alignment to phylogenetic analysis.

b) Uses of multiple sequence alignment.

4. Write an essay on different genome (DNA) information resources?

5. Explain the importance of substitution matrices in sequence alignment?

6. Describe about phylogenetic tree construction by using UPGMA method?

7. Define genome? Outline the structure and composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes?

8. What are neural networks? How they are useful in predicting a gene structure?

SET : 3

1. What are the main objectives of bioinformatics and what does bioinformatics comprise of?

2. Describe dynamic programming algorithm in detail?

3. What is multiple sequence alignment? Describe the applications of multiple sequence alignments?

4. Write a brief notes on the following :

a) Sub division of genbank

b) Structure of a genebank record

5. What is Block Substitution Matrices (BLOSUM)? Describe them in detail.

6. Describe about phylogenetic tree construction by using UPGMA method?

7. Define genome? Outline the structure and composition of prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes?

8. Write short notes on :


b) ORF

SET : 4

1. What is bioinformatics? Describe its scope in modern biology?

2. Explain about computational method for aligning DNA and protein sequences?

3. Describe any one progressive method of multiple alignment?

4. Define databases? Give an overview of biological databases?

5. Name the database search algorithm employed in alignment of sequences and explain in detail about any one of it?

6. Describe the following :

a) Perfect phylogeny

b) The relationship of phylogenetic analysis and sequence alignment.

7. Write short notes on :


b) ORF.