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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 7:56 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET : 1

1. Describe about vitamins, alkaloids and nucleosides of commercial interest ?

2. Explain the role of downstream processing in biotechnology?

3. How can you classify cell disruption methods? Explain in brief about them?

4. Write short notes on :

5. Tubular centrifuge

6. Multi chamber centrifuge

7. Write about different modes of operation of filters?

8. Outline the advantages and disadvantages three basic types of precipitation reactions, batch reactor, CSTR and tubular reactor?

9. Describe the following :

10. Liquid adsorption chromatography

11. LLC

12. Write short notes on :

13. Secondary nucleation

14. Heterogeneous nucleation

SET : 2

1. Examine the continuing role which economics play in bioprocess research, development and commercialization?

2. Explain about the primary isolation techniques?

3. Describe about the mechanical methods of cell disruption?

4. Describe about membrane filter press with a neat sketch?

5. Write about different modes of operation of filters?

6. Describe about different techniques employed in precipitation?

7. Write short notes on :

a. Paper chromatography


8. Out line the strategies for crystallization of proteins.

SET : 3

1. Describe about economic assessment of various proteins via rDNA?

2. Explain about the primary isolation techniques?

3. How can you classify cell disruption methods? Explain in brief about them?

4. Explain about different types of filter media and types of filters used in biotechnology industries?

5. Write short notes on :

a) Liquid membranes

b) Ultra filtration

6. Describe about different techniques employed in precipitation?

7. Explain about different types of adsorbants employed in adsorption process?

8. Explain about the process of Dialysis?

SET : 4

1. Examine the continuing role which economics play in bioprocess research, development and commercialization?

2. Explain the principle of solvent extraction and its applications with an example?

3. Write in detail about physic – mechanical methods of cell disruption?

4. Explain about different types of filter media and types of filters used in biotechnology industries?

5. Explain and describe the following membrane separation processes Dialysis and liquid membranes?

6. Explain in detail about extraction fundamentals?

7. Explain about different chromatography employed for separation of complex mixtures?

8. Explain about the process of Dialysis?