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GENETIC ENGINEERING Question Papers (Supple, 2006)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 2:17 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET: 1

1. Explain the role of DNA binding proteins in genetic engineering.

2. Explain the importance of steroid hormones in control of gene expression.

3. Write notes on:

a) Lac Z’ inactivation

b) Replacement vectors

c) Types of plasmids

4. Explain about plant vectors used in gene transfer methods

5. Write short notes on any two:

a) Southern blotting

b) Colony hybridization

c) Radiation labeling

6. What is the basic principle of principle of PCR? Write about the different types of PCR.

7. Write short notes on any two:

a) Microarray

b) Gene chips

c) Monoclonal antibodies

8. Explain the importance of gene cloning in medicine.

SET: 2

1. Explain the role of DNA binding proteins in gene regulation.

2. Explain the mechanism of gene rearrangement in antibody producing cells.

3. Explain the structure of PBR322.

4. Give the method of isolation and purification of DNA from plant systems.

5. Explain the expression of cloned genes in Yeast using suitable examples.

6. Write about the contents of a reaction mixture for PCR analysis.

7. Discuss the application of gene chips in various fields of biotechnology.

8. Explain how transgenic animals can be used as bioreactors.

SET: 3

1. Differentiate between induction and repression with suitable examples.

2. Describe the mechanism of gene regulation in eukaryotes with a suitable.

3. Write notes on any two:

a) Inverted repeats

b) Transposase

c) ‘P’ elements

4. What are restriction enzymes? How they are useful in genetic engineering?

5. Write about the vectors used in a gene library construction.

6. Discuss the application of PCR technology.

7. What is gene mapping? Explain the role of restriction enzymes in it.

8. Explain how transgenic mice are used as a model for studying various human welfare oriented research.

SET: 4

1. Compare the gene regulations of lac operon and trp operon.

2. Explain the structural and functional details of DNA binding regulatory proteins in eukaryotes.

3. “ Plasmids are evolved from transposons ”. Illustrate the statement.

4. What are different cloning strategies employed in gene cloning technology?

5. Write about the vectors used in a gene library construction.

6. Comment, “RT PCR is an extension of basic PCR”

7. Write short notes on any two:

a) Satellite markers

b) Restriction enzymes

c) Gel electrophoresis

8. Discuss about the strategies used to produce transgenic animals