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CANCER BIOLOGY Question Papers (2008,Reg)

Posted by m.s.chowdary at 10:42 AM

Friday, November 21, 2008

SET : 1

  1. What is cancer? Explain different factors that are involved in the cancer development?
  2. Discuss a) RB, retinivlastoma b) p53
  3. What is a carcinogen? Expain different types of carcinogens in the development of cancer?
  4. What is signal transduction? Explain the effects on the cell-cell signaling during the radiation carcinogenesis?
  5. Write short notes on: a) cell cycle check points b) Cancer genes
  6. Explain : a) Role of Plasma membrane components in metastatis. b) Role of extracellular matrix components and the basement membranes in tumor metastatis.
  7. Can the gene expression patterns of cancer cells be used to identify targets for cancer diagnosis or therapy? - discuss.
  8. Write short notes on : a) Recombinant anticancer drugs. b) Problems of antibody therapy in cancer.
SET : 2
  1. What are receptors? Explain the ligand-receptor mechanism with an example?
  2. Explain a) Skin Cancer b) Colon cancer
  3. Define a) DNA adduct b) DNA repair c) p53 gene d) cyt P450.
  4. Discuss : a) cellular stress response b) Gene induction during radiation exposure.
  5. Write short notes on a) Retroviral transduction. b) Amplification of Oncogene action.
  6. Explain : a) Tissue adhesion properties of metastatic cells b) Ability of metastatic tumor cells to escape the hosts immune response.
  7. Write short notes on : a) combination therapies. b) cancer diagnosis and staging
  8. Discuss : a) Recent developments in cancer therapy. b) New drugs, New targets and new approaches of cancer.
SET : 3
  1. Explain a) Oncogenes b) Receptors c) Signaling molecules.
  2. What is the role of diet in different forms of cancer?
  3. What are mutations? Explain how Chemical carcinogens play a role in the development of mutations?
  4. Define and discuss: a) Units of Radiation b) Radiation Dose
  5. Write short notes on : a) Angiogenesis b) Tumor viruses and cancer
  6. Explain a) Chemotactic factors in cancer cell migration. b) Role of Oncogenes in tumor metastatis
  7. Write short notes on: a) Safety and acceptability of screening tests of cancer b) Evaluation of cancer screening.
  8. Explain a) Assessing efficacy of drugs in clinical trials. b) cells as vehicles for cancer gene therapy.