Orthopaedics: classification of joints, reduction replacements
Pathology: general pathology, investigations. Blood bank: blood groups, blood transfusion, exchange transfusion.
Anaesthesia: general Anaesthesia, uptake of Anaesthetic gases and vapours, Preanaesthetic care and preparation. Postoperative care Laws of gases. Recommendations and preventions. Patient monitoring during surgery. Monitoring of respiration and temperature. Invasive and non-invasive monitoring, recent trends. Organization of theatres, CSSD..
Measurement of Intra vascular pressures. Blood flows. Plethysmography. Humidity and Temperature measurements, Clinical significance. Mechanism of Respiration, Gas exchange. Artificial respiration, Diagnostic and Therapeutic indications.
Radio therapy: Principles of radiation oncology and cancer radio therapy. Perspective, Radio sensitivity and radio resistance of tumours and Tissues. Classification of Tumours according to cell Radio sensitivity. Cell survival theory, Oxygen effect. Cell repair, Radio curability of tumours. Therapeutic ratio. normal Tissue tolerance dose. Modification of radiation response Physical, chemical and Biomedical modifiers.
Management on radiation:. Radioactive protection. Somatic effects, LD 50. Cause of radiation death skin blood and blood forming organs. Reproductive organs. Embryo late effects of radiation, Radiation carcinogenesis, leukaemogenesis. Cataract, Genetic effects. Hazards and permissible exposures. Maximum permissible occupational doses. Hazards in various branches of radiation. Protective lines of defence. Protective measures. Physical measurements and medical tests.
Nuclear medicine: determination of distribution of radioactive material with in the body. Organ imaging procedures central nervous system, cardio vascular system, respiratory system thyroid, liver, spleen, pancreas, skeletal system, kidney.
Thyroid function studies, Tests for renal function, Body spaces, Haematological procedures, Blood flow. Gastro intestinal function. Radio immunoassay, Therapeutic uses of Radio isotopes, Thyroid diseases, Thyroid cancer, Polycythemia, meta static bone diseases. Malignancy, plural effusion and ascites.
1. John Crawford Adams, Outline of Orthopaedics. Churchill Livingstone, 2001.
2. Ronald. D. Miller., Miller’s Anaesthesia: 2 volume set, 2004.
3. W.J. Meredith & J.B.Massey, Fundamental Physics of Radiology. Johns and Cunningham
1. Ramesh chandra The Physics of Radiology-An Introduction to Nuclear Medicine.
2. Lawrence A.Kaplan etal., Clinical Chemistry: Theory, Analysis, Correlation, 4th ed, 2002.
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