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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 1:52 AM

Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Unit I:
History of telemedicine, Block diagram of telemedicine system, Definition of telemedicine, Tele health, Tele care, organs of telemedicine, scope, Benefits, and limitations of telemedicine.

Unit II:
Type of information; Audio, Video, Still images, Text and data, fax, type of communications and network, PSTN, POTS, ANT, ISDN, Internet, Air/ wireless communications: GSM satellite, and Micro wave. Different Modulation techniques. Types of antennas depending on requirements, Integration and operational issues: - system integration, store –and - forward operation, Real-time Telemedicine.

Unit –III:
Data Exchange: Network Configration, circuit and packet switching, H. 320 series ( Video phone based ISBN) T. 120, H.324 (Video phone based PSTN). Video Conferencing.

Unit –VI:
Data Security and Standards: Encryption, Cryptography, Mechanisms of encryption, phases of Ecryption. Protocols: TCP/IP, ISO-OSI, Standards to followed DICOM, HL7.

Unit – V:
Ethical and legal aspects of Telemedicine: Confidentiality, and the law, patient rights and consent, access to medical Records, Consent treatment, jurisdictional Issues, Intellectual property rights.

Unit – VI:
Tele radiology: Definition, Basic parts of teleradiology system: Image Acquisition system Display system, Communication network, Interpretation section. Tele pathology: multimedia databases, color images of sufficient resolution: Dynamic range, spatial resolution, compression methods, Interactive control of color, Controlled sampling security and confidentiality tools.

Unit – VII
And tele catriology Teleoncology, Telesurgery.

Unit – VIII
Applications of Telesurgey

1. Olga (EDT) Ferrer – Roca, M.Sosa (EDT) Iudicissa Hand book of Telemedicine IOS press 2002
2. A.C. Norris, Essentials of Telemedicine and Telecare John Sons & Ltd, 2002