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Posted by m.s.chowdary at 8:04 AM

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

SET : 1

1. Describe about vitamins, alkaloids and nucleosides of commercial interest ?

2. Explain about different ways of precipitation and its applications.

3. Write short notes on :

a) Enzymatic cell lysis

b) Chemical cell lysis

4. Write about the pressure leaf filters?

5. Write short notes on :

a) Liquid membranes

b) Reverse osmosis

6. Write short notes on :

a) Whole broth treatment

b) Insitu product recovery

7. Describe about different types of support media employed in electrophoresis?

8. Explain the formation & growth of crystals?

SET : 2

1. Write about the various techniques of r DNA and their economic assement of various proteins?

2. Describe about extraction using aqueous two phase systems?

3. How can you classify cell disruption methods? Explain in brief about them?

4. Explain about different types of filter media and types of filters used in biotechnology industries?

5. Write about different modes of operation of filters?

6. Describe about different agents employed in precipitation which renders the compounds of interest insoluble?

7. Describe about chromatography columns and column packing procedures?

8. Explain about the process of Dialysis?

SET : 3

1. Design a material balance sheet for certain process and give its capital investment estimate for the major equipment of the process in material balance sheet?

2. Explain the principle of solvent extraction and its applications with an example?

3. Describe the mechanical methods of cell disruption?

4. Write short notes on :

a) Basket centrifuge

b) Solid bowl scroll centrifuge

5. Write about different modes of operation of filters?

6. Describe about different techniques employed in precipitation?

7. Describe in detail about adsorptive chromatographic separation process?

8. Describe about crystallization process of proteins?

SET : 4

1. Examine the continuing role which economics play in bioprocess research, development and commercialization?

2. Give generalized process recovery scheme for enzymes derived from animal, plant, surface or submerged fermentations?

3. How can you classify cell disruption methods? Explain in brief about them?

4. What are the various techniques employed in recovery of bioproducts? Explain in brief about them?

5. Compare and contrast different modes of filtration process?

6. Describe the importance of process integration and whole broth treatment and in – situ recovery strategies for product recovery?

7. Write short notes on :

a) Paper chromatography


8. Explain about the process of Dialysis?